Monday, June 16, 2008

We left at 11:45 am (GA Time.. 8:45 PT). One little town after another at times... speed about 30 mph. Beautiful trees and hills along the way.... skies were cloudy and one time there were a few sprinkles on the windshield... think it was fog or we were in a cloud.

We arrived at Hoquiam River RV Park, Hoquiam Washington at 2:15 pm (GA Time... 11:15 PT). A nice private park... like all of them there are a lot of permanent or seasonal tenants. The bath house is clean.

A bit of rough roads today... can goods slid out from the dinette seat... the hassock bounced out of the chair. Both faucet handles were off their bases.... set screw missing on the cold water handle (we replaced the hot water one not long after we started the trip). Yesterday the latch to the sauce pan drawer broke... but it stay shut with the chair against it. When Frank was drying the shower walls down last night he discovered some of the caulking was missing.

Ah.. you guessed it... a trip to Wal-Mart. We bought gas on the way in Hoquiam for $4.75 a gallon.... the cheapest in a long time. We got the caulking, bread and soda pop and a thing or two that I can't remember at Wal-Mart (in Aberdeen). Wow!... another floor plan... I wonder how many different ones they have.

We walked to the grocery store next door to Wal-Mart and bought some luncheon meat and cheese. The Wal-Mart had very few food items. Then walk back to the truck... it was a quarter of a mile or better one way. We then drove to the inlet behind Wal-Mart. An old sailing ship is docked there, but nothing there spoke "take a picture of me".

We then drove up the block to a Mexican restaurant called Los Arcos. The food was very good. One of the dips was a slaw of cabbage, onions, peppers, tomatoes and lime juice. It was delicious. We ate shrimp dishes, but I couldn't tell you the name of the dishes. They were both good. That is when we should have done our walk :-)

We then drove to what was said to be a viewing tower of the harbor. Nothing exciting there... not even a pretty view.

We also stopped by Levee Lumber Inc for the set screws... Frank got a few extra. We thought there was an ACE Hardware in the shopping center up from Wal-Mart. We walked all the way over there and the store was out of business.

Then back to camp. Frank started talking with a man from New Hampshire. I listened a bit, but he seems to need to get in your face to talk, so I left and came back to the trailer and set up the computer... aah.. need a code. I go to the office, but there is a sign saying "I'll be right back". I stopped by Frank and Mr. New Hampshire and let him know and he said he would keep a look out for someone at the office. I got the phone from Frank and came back to the trailer and called Mama. She is to have back surgery tomorrow. I wish I were there to be with her through it.

I was going to do laundry, but the washers were full, so I rinsed out a few essentials by hand. Frank put the set screw in and caulked the shower.

Frank baked biscuits and fried sausage up for breakfast in the morning... just heat in the microwave :-D

Tomorrow we head towards the Hoh Rain Forest within the Olympic National Park.

We traveled 103 miles... plus shopping and sight-seeing miles.

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