Friday, June 20, 2008

Zarone and Linda are working today. We decided we wanted a sausage biscuit for breakfast. We went to McDonalds. After breakfast we did laundry... we spotted a laundrymat just behind McDonalds and did 3 week's worth of laundry. The laundrymat had large washers and dryers so it didn't take forever to do the wash. We took the laundry back to the trailer and put it away.

Then we went to the BX and commissary. Frank bought a wallet in the BX and I got some hair detangler. My hair is a mess! Frank got a haircut and I probably should have too.

We stopped by Burger King for a burger and fries to go... got a meal for Linda too. We thought it was Linda that didn't like mayo on a burger, but it was Kassy. I can't remember what we had for supper.... I need a new memory chip for my brain :-)

Another enjoyable evening with Linda and Zarone.

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