Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I think we left out about 8 am (mountain time) this morning.... about 42 degrees. We stopped by the post office to mail David a card. Then off sight-seeing. We saw a critter sitting on a stump as we passed... we backed up and the critter ran off before Frank could get the camera ready... we think it was a marmot. We drove to the other end of the park and enjoyed the beautiful colors. We stopped at the entrance there and took pictures of a lizard and tried to take some pictures of birds... not sure what I managed to get, but hope I got something that will help tell me what kind of birds I was seeing. They hide in the leaves and behind the limbs and flitter fast from one place to another. I saw a jackrabbit and thought Frank heard me say that I saw one, but he didn't. I should have gone back to the truck and gotten my long camera lens and made sure Frank knew I had spotted a jackrabbit. Being I had the shorter lens on the camera the shot is a bit far off, but hopefully one can tell it is a jackrabbit.

I can't even begin to spell the word for the writings on the mountain walls that the Indians drew. We looked at them and at the boardwalk there were three mule deer. We hope we got good pictures of them.

We then stopped at the old schoolhouse. It is a nicely preserved one. I think it was last used in the 1930s.... and I think built in the early 1900s. I wanted to get a good picture of the inside of the schoolhouse, but too many of "them tourist" came by :-D We came back later, but they closed the schoolhouse door.

After the schoolhouse we went to the farmhouse and looked around in it and the store they had there. Then we had a picnic. Before I could get the hand wipes to wipe our hands with a young lady came up and wanted to know if we would participate in a survey. I quickly referred her to Frank :-D He said okay... the form had a stamp on it to be mailed but Frank filled the survey out after we ate our sandwiches and handed it back to the young lady. I bird hunted while he did so. I chased some poor little flycatcher... trying to get a good photo of him.

Then back to the schoolhouse. Then we stopped for gas in Torrey... price was $4.66 a gallon. We looked in the convenience store for bread... just white bread is all they had. We stopped at a little grocery store/bakery and they had some fresh made bread there and some older bread that was reduced down. We got a few loaves.

Back to camp and calling the Passport America and getting that set up. I think if we use it two or three times it will be paid for itself.... we get half-price off at some campgrounds. We'll probably use it several times before the trip is over.

The water is good here and Frank has refilled some of our gallon jugs. He is now trying to repair the gasket around the bathroom vent. I could hear air blowing around it when we got back today... and it was closed. The wind wasn't much at all in the park, but a bit windier here in the campground. I guess next is the screw that came out of the cornice board.

In a bit we will have Chicken Noodle soup and I'll throw a can of peas in so we might have some veggies. I'll sweep the floors before then... there is always work to do... but it is sure fun seeing new places and things.

We are showered and fed and Frank is reading his Louis Amour book... he is almost finished both volumes. We may have to buy more books before the trip is over. I did bring along a Fanny Flagg book that I can't remember the name of ( too lazy to go look ) and a book of Mark Twain short stories. I stay so busy with the journal and pictures that I have very little time to read or puzzle.

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