Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today we went to Canyonlands National Park. We got an early enough of a start that we beat the Big Crowd. Again... just beautiful scenery.

We saw a jackrabbit on the side of the road, but Frank couldn't stop in time for us to get a picture... it was long gone by time he backed the truck up. We also spotted a bluebird and we think two types of jays... it was a blue day :-) The birds fly by so fast that it is so hard to tell what they are.

We walked down to one overlook and on the way back we met a bus load of tourist. They were from France. I said "good morning" to all I passed and either got a "hello" or "bonjour" from most of them. Their bus driver was Mexican. The tour originated in Baja Mexico . They were an interesting group to watch. People are the same no matter where they are from :-)

We found a picnic table and enjoyed our sandwiches watching a beautiful view.

Today we figured out how to use the timer on my camera. Frank set up the tripod and took a couple of pictures of us. They turned out okay considering what it had to work with :-D

When we left the park the line to get in was probably a bit more than a quarter of a mile long... and we met more cars along the road.

Next up was a ride on scenic 128 along the Colorado River. Some pretty scenery there too. There is a lot of camping along the banks of the river. Our turn around point was a museum about all the movies that have been made in the area. An interesting museum. I didn't realize there were that many B westerns that we haven't seen. There were a lot of non-western movies made in the area too... there too many we had never even heard of.

When walking back to the truck we heard baby birds. There is a shelter over the door and the sound was coming from there... a nest made of mud was there with babies asking loudly for food. We saw the parents, but have no idea what type of birds they were.

We stopped by City Market grocery store for bread and gas... same place we got gas the other day. We paid $4.59 a gallon... ten cent more than a couple of days ago.

Back to home and a shower. I thought I was going to have a nice quiet relaxing shower. A woman and her ... I would say three years old came in to use the bathroom. The girl was a squealer. My head was pounding by time they left.

Tylenol, soup and sandwich calms the head :-D

I only moved the pictures to the computer and to a dvd today... none to the Picasa Album. I need a bit of rest.

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