Friday, May 09, 2008

Frank had a hard time doing his part of breaking camp. In all four people came up and talked to him... life's interruptions :-) We managed to get everything done. We went for a shorter walk this morning and left the campground at 9:00 am. We stopped down the road at a Krogers grocery store and bought salad makings and apples. It added to our walking :-)

Our neighbor (I think they said there last name was Shuman) told us about cheaper gas. We were beginning to think it was too far off our route. It was 3.8 miles off highway 82 to the gas station at Walmart at Starksville Mississippi. We paid $3.94 a gallon... using the Wal-Mart shopping card. Our best price yet for gas. We stopped at Indianola Mississippi gas too..... another Wal-Mart. We paid $4 a gallon with the shopping card.

It was our day for Wal-Marts... we stopped in another Wal-Mart parking lot for dinner at Greenwood Mississippi. We had pimento cheese sandwiches with salad and chips.
Our arrival time was 2:30 at Pecan Grove Campground at Lake Village Arkansas. A nice park for an overnite stay. It is located a bit close to highway 82. The traffic will lull us to sleep tonight.
The shrub/trees that were such a bother seem to have vanished now. We are now in the middle of a pecan grove. This grove was planted in 1903.

We traveled 200 miles today.

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